Thursday, July 10, 2008

Grace for the trials....

I've been reading from for the past several weeks.  It has been inspiring and uplifting for me....years ago I went through a trial not very gracefully and since that experience my prayer to the Lord has been 'please let me pass through my trials gracefully'.  This sweet mother is doing that and has touched many lives by her example.  She comes from pioneer heritage so a little tribute to Stephanie, a picture from Cove Fort and this perfect quote I found...."God has not promised skies always blue,  flower-strewn pathways all our lives through;  God has not promised sun without rain,  joy without sorrow, peace without pain.  But God has promised strength for the day, rest for the labor, light for the way.  Grace for the trials, light for the way,  unfailing sympathy, undying love." -Kristone... Thank you for helping us all to remain focused on 'partaking of the fruit' and having our hand firmly planted on the iron rod....


Judy said...

Great post Kathie, Thank you!
Judy Jolley

Melody B. said...

Still amazing I see!:) Good to think about.

P.S. I went private on my blog so if you'd like an invite...leave your email address here in your comment section and I'll check back in a couple of days!:)

kathie said...

melody that would be great to keep up with your