Tuesday, December 21, 2010

MeRRy ChRisTMas....

Just snapped this yesterday...maybe we'll be a little more organized next year! Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas...xoxo

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sweet Example

What a sweet day...something about a funeral service to get your perspective readjusted!! Ron's mom is the sweetest lady. She grew old gracefully. She never seemed 'rushed', always time to sit and talk. I think my life has been a bit of a rush and I need to slow down and be a better 'mimi' and make the time to just sit and listen and be there. Thank you Helen for your wonderful example of missionary work, of serving in the temple and being so kind and sweet. She was so thankful for everyone and everything done for her. The last time we had her for the weekend when I put her to bed I can still hear her soft voice saying thank you for everything. You will be missed but I am so excited for you because I know you are with your eternal companion who loved you and served you so well and was SO excited to welcome you home.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

This is on Sister Susan Bunkers new blog....I loved it...thanks Susan just what I needed:)


Charles Swindoll wrote:

"The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. The remarkable thing is...we have a choice every day of our lives regarding the attitude we embrace for that day. We cannot change our past. We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude...I'm convinced that life is 10% what happens to me, and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you. We are in charge of our attitude."

Friday, July 23, 2010

Lake Powell....ahhhhh

Cookie Jar....

This must be genetic...ask Uncle Mark!!
Cami is going to shoot me...she was sick for 2 days...still a great pic

What a great vacation spot. It is really a peaceful place, you have to put your blinker on and change lanes... into the slow lane. Ahhhh....so nice to SLOW down. Not alot of decisions to make, ummm what to wear? where shall we go to eat? It was so fun to spend time with our family. The game for 2010 was Cranium...let's see did the girls beat the boys? ( I can't remember) Really fun being there with Kate, she is a true blue Lake Powell girl, she did it all. The only thing that kinda threw her was having a rather large lizard cross our path one morning on our little hike. She just froze, her eyes got so BIG and she just started to GRRRRR at it. She slept up top every night and looked for a shooting star, the stars were amazing this year. Grandkids bring so much joy...Lucy Pearl was a little jewel, she is already so relaxed. She takes after her Aunt Rachel, who takes after her Aunt Kris....(I'm still working on learning the art of relaxing...)
P.S.....So blessed to live in this Beautiful, Free Country. I really felt it in Lake Powell, seemed like the American Flag was on alot of boats this year, maybe I just noticed it alittle more.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Do we really need to experience this??????

To fully appreciate and enjoy the tranquility....so it is in LIFE...the STorm before the CALM...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Love each moment...




Grannybird's 86th...

It's been awhile dear blog...my intentions were so good in Jan.! I was going to do as good as Grama Linda so I could print my book at the end of the year and have a 'journal'. So many great things have happened these past month's....my sweet mom turned 86 young and we had a little celebration in her honor. We had a breakfast that morning with just the girls, we all wore purple and it was one of those moments...I said let's just go around the table and share a favorite memory, what you love about Grannybird, anything you want. Terra started, she shared very sweet feelings with us and we were all crying! I wish I would have videoed it all. Grannybird is a very special lady and has a way to make everyone feel they are her favorite. I feel blessed to be her daughter.
Then came Orlando and a very special day at the temple with Suzie and Brett(Ron's brothers daughter)...so glad I could be there....A breathtaking temple, when I walked into the Celestial Room...I stopped and ahhhhed. It was fun to go with Dave, Jane and Grandma Dye. Ron couldn't go so I was Grandma's roomate and she talked more than she has in a year...I loved being with her....
Then came Utah...Cami's half marathon and packing up a few years of treasures(she is her mother's daughter!) Tanner graduating...Cami and Tanner went to dinner with his family so I went to Macaroni Grill with my sister Carol, her husband Walt and their daughter Lindsay we sat in the back corner when I looked over there was NieNie and her family...a wave of emotion came over me...I said to Lindsay look who is next to us and she said I have to talk to her. Carol and Walt hadn't read her blog(I'm sure they have now!) I kept thinking thru dinner I don't want to bother her,( can you imagine how often she gets interrupted) let her just have privacy and a dinner with her family but I wanted to just give her a hug! They finished first and so fast Lindsay jumped up and went and said hi and gave her a hug.
It was SO amazing to meet her, she is so gracious and you feel like she is a long lost friend..I cried and could hardly get my words out...her mom was so nice...she has touched all of us who follow her daily struggles and make our struggles seem light. Her faith is daunting...she is my hero. She is a wonderful missionary, how many lives has she touched for good?...I think of the day when she will meet the Savior face to face and he will say "Well done, thou good and faithful servant"...I'm thankful for her example of passing thru earthly trials gracefully...I want to hear those words too from the Savior...I have so far to go...
Then back to Miami with Ronnie boy for an insurance trip...oh so fun...too short!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sit Still.

Hummingbirds have always intrigued me. I don't think I've ever seen one just sit still. They have so much energy and are always buzzing around. It was good to witness this little guy just chillin'....sometimes its good to just sit still and take it all in. I'm SO grateful for All my blessings. The Lord loves us, everyone, He has a plan.....